Monday, December 29, 2008

Sign Our Petition - Ban the Snake

Dear Friends,

We have a petition to the Executive Committee of the Free Media Movement asking them to remove Uvindu Kurukulasuriya.

Please visit the page ( and sign up. Let's make sure this snake is never given an opportunity to do the same damage to other.

THE TIME IS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fight for Sunanda because Sunanda fights for us

'I think Sunanda's a bit of a bastard, but tomorrow if someone abducted me he would be the only one who would make a ruckus about it. That much I know for sure, and because of that I'll support him' - (In our Inbox)

We may not agree with Sunanda's politics. We may not agree with Sunanda's journalism. We may not agree with Sunanda's personality. We may dislike Sunanda intensely for many many reasons.

But the one thing we know for sure as journalists is that if tomorrow some harm were to come us, Sunanda would stand up for our rights, and he would not rest till we are safe. Sunanda does not only fight for his friends. Sunanda does not fight only for those who agree with him. Sunanda does not fight only for those who would fight for him. Sunanda fights for ALL of us, regardless of what we think about him.

When we are against the wall, when our friends and colleagues desert us because they do not wish to risk the wrath of the powerful, only Sunanda will stand by us.

Support Sunanda now. Let him know we stand by him in his hour of need. Email him, call him.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

From our Inbox - Only Sunanda can replace Sunanda

I'm Fazeena Saleem, a Sri Lankan journalist presently working for a newspaper in Doha- Qatar. I would like to share my views about Sunanda as I know personally about his efforts to protect media rights.

Thank You


Only Sunanda can replace Sunanda

I'm among the many who were shocked to hear about the accusation against Sunanda. The very first thought came into my mind was that some one is behind the scene creating him a bad name.

As many other journalists in Sri Lanka I too have associated with him, in fact I worked with him as the Coordinator for Media Safety Assessment in Sri Lanka, project of the Free Media Movement (FMM) implemented with assistance of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ).

The project was focusing on coordinating Journalists Island wide on all incidents especially on Human Right violations, supporting journalists of the embattled north – east areas of Sri Lanka with financial assistance and insurance schemes, providing safe house for journalists under threat and make over seas travel and stay arrangements when needed. A monthly e- bulletin on the current situation was circulated among more than 5,000 persons including media organizations, civil activists, and diplomats around the globe.

During my short tenure in this project I worked as an independent individual and had more space to learn about Sunanda. No one will take such efforts as he did to protect journalists. At one point there was one instance that Sunanda had to decide either to leave the country for his safety or fight back in the country for others' safety; with all boldness he took the second option. I know personally how he is concerned about the fellow journalists' safety and I have first hand experience.

Sunanda is high profiled with his contacts, communication skills and of course his human qualities. I have not seen anyone else taking the lead against the suppression of journalists. I have discussed with my fellow journalists that we have Sunanda to stand for us if we are in trouble. Anyone who criticizes him should rethink and if they could must name another person with same qualities. They should also check their hands first. His qualities cannot be bought with money. Only Sunanda can be replaced by Sunanda.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Get Rid of The Snake

When the enemies of democracy and freedom are at the gates, and all free-thinking individuals should stand together to defend our rights, Uvindu the snake and his pet Sandaruwan have not only thrown open the gates, but also given our enemies a mighty weapon.

The workings of institutions and organizations are not our concern. It is for the boards and committees and whatnot of the CPA and the FMM to decide if there has been any fraud. If individuals are found to have committed fraud then again it is these governing bodies who should decide what action is to be taken. None of that is our concern.

What is our concern is that at a point in time when all of us should rally together and stand as one against the barbaric oppression of the Rajapakse government, Uvindu Kurukulasuriya has singlehandedly hacked away at the trust between those who have fought alongside each other for many many years. In a country where lawlessness reigns, in a time when journalists are hunted and abducted and killed simply because they dream of freedom, Sunanda Deshapriya and the FMM have stepped forward to protect them, and to protect us from a state-machinery that would rather rule sheep than people. They have been able to do this solely because of the support they have had from various organizations, and the coalitions they have formed. Without unity among us this battle cannot be fought, let alone won.

It is in this context that Uvindu has undermined the very integrity of the FMM and through careful manipulation ruined the relationship between the FMM, the SLWJA, the SLPI and many other like minded institutions. Uvindu has acted in a way that has brought disrepute to the FMM and his actions have been diametrically opposed what we would have expected from the Convener. Instead of solidifying the FMMs relationship with their friends and partners, he has cast them aside and sown mistrust. His greed for power has blinded him to the fact that what he is doing will nullify decades of hard work by Sunanda and others. This is the nature of the snake.

We refuse to let the FMM be collateral damage in power-drunk Uvindu's battle against Sunanda. Discard Uvindu, for he has shown he does not have the best interests of the FMM, or the freedom of expression in this country, at heart. His only interest is in his personal gain, and if we do not stop him now he will only seek more power at others' peril.

Will we allow the Snake to feed us to the tyrants?

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

It's Your Turn

Sunanda Deshapriya, seen here at a protest against the suppression of the media, is a fearless journalist and media activist who has personally sacrificed his time, money and energy to fight for the freedom of expression in Sri Lanka. In this lawless country where being a journalism is one of the most dangerous professions one can be in, Deshapriya has personally been responsible for saving the lives of many journalists.

All this while other journalists have been able to stay silent because Deshapriya fought YOUR fight for you. The media still has whatever space it has because of the work of Deshapriya. He fights for the public's right to know. He fought for your rights while you remained silent.

He did this even when he was not getting paid to fight against the suppression of the media. He challenged the government so that you would be able to know the truth. Now it's your turn to speak up for him. It's your turn to demand that Sunanda Deshapariya is treated fairly.

Know The Snake

This is Uvindu the Snake.

He once attempted to rape a coworker, and would have gone through with it had he not been stopped by another coworker.

He has done nothing for nothing. All the work he has done for the CPA and other organizations has been for money. Lots of money. He once even whined about how no one was paying him what he was worth per day so Sunanda Deshapriya had to fight for Uvindu's payment to be increased. This is the man who is now accusing Deshapriya of being a thief. This is man who wants to destroy the Free Media Movement. Will we stand by and do nothing? Will we not fight this snake?

Shame on you Lankaenews

How Lankaenews has responded to the allegations against Sunanda Deshapriya has been deplorable.

Sandaruwan and the Lankaenews folks don't need to defend Deshapriya just because he supported them when they were in trouble. They don't need to defend him because he even bought them computers to do their work. They don't have to defend him because he spent his personal money to ensure they didn't get shut down.

They don't have to do any of this. But what they did owe Deshapriya was unbiased, impartial reportage on the issue. That is what he spent all his time teaching the journalists of this country to do.

Instead, they attack him without evidence, simply because Uvindu the Snake asks them to. They write scathing features calling him a liar and a thief without any evidence whatsoever. They do not even bother to contact Deshapriya for his response.

At the end of the day, Sandaruwan is no different from those asslickers at Lake House. He is not a journalist, nor is he interested in ethics. He is just a propaganda tool for others to use. He has shown himself to be an opportunist who would sell his own mother for a sensational story.

Perhaps Deshapriya's weakness is that he is a bad judge of character.

Fight The Snake

Sunanda Deshapriya, the head of the Media Unit at the CPA has resigned because he has been accused of fraud.

This accusation was leveled against him by Uvindu Kurukulasuriya, one of Deshapriya's subordinates at the CPA and the Convener of the Free Media Movement. Deshapriya's only fault is that he let this snake Uvindu get so far.

Uvindu is a power-hungry unscrupulous individual who is now trying to destroy Sunanda simply because he wants to steal Sunanda's job. This exactly what anotherle well known snake, Pradeep Jeganathan did at the ICES. Like Jeganathan, what Uvindu is blind to is the fact that by destroying Sunanda, he is also giving right-wing forces a brilliant opportunity to step in and destroy the FMM and the CPA.

Or... Is Uvindu being paid by the Rajapakse Samagama to destroy the CPA from within? That is the question everyone must now ask themselves. This snake must be fought, because unless we stop him now he will singlehandedly undo eveything Sunanda has done so far and make Sri Lanka an even more dangerous place for journalists than it already is.

Fight the snake.